Sunday, February 27, 2011


So I've made my predictions on how I think this year's Oscar race is going to go. But what would happen in my ideal world? Well, if I was a member of the Academy, this is how I would vote:

MY PICK: Toy Story 3

Shock! Horror! I never thought I would live to see the day where I would pick an animated film as the Best Movie of the Year. But the day has come. I suppose I, like others, have always had a sub-conscious belief or bias against animated films, likening them to being "kids movies," and "nothing that would warrant serious consideration". Well, my opinion started change after WALL-E and Up. And now, I have finally broken the barrier.
Of the films that were nominated (and I've seen all of them), Toy Story 3 was the best. It had everything: action, adventure, drama, comedy, romance. I laughed, I (almost) cried. It was superb cinema and animation...storytelling at its finest. So why not give it the "Best Picture" award? Why not indeed. If ever an animated film was going to win the coveted prize, it would've been this one.
Inception and The Kings Speech were second and third for me respectively, both fine films that would also warrant recognition. The Kings Speech will be honoured by the Academy come Sunday night, and I will be more then happy when it picks up its awards. It is a brilliant film.
But I just wish the Academy whould have given Toy Story 3 some more consideration. Because if they did (like I did), they may have thought differently...

MY PICK: Tom Hooper - The Kings Speech

This was a difficult one because I feel the best directing of the year came from someone outside the nominees (Christopher Nolan for Inception). But, we have to stick with what was nominated.
There can be strong cases made for Black Swan and The Social Network here, but I'm going with a heart-pick. My vote goes to Tom Hooper for his work in The Kings Speech. I think he handles all aspects of the film with a delicate touch, and never does he try and "force" it down the viewers' throats. He lets the camera do the work, and for his simplicity and poignancy, he gets my vote.

MY PICK: James Franco - 127 Hours

This was a really really tough decision, and I was really torn between Franco and Firth. I also gave some consideration to Jesse Eisenberg and, although I wasn't a fan of The Social Network, he gave a fantastic performance. Firth was brilliant in his portrayal as the stuttering, self-loathing future King, and will be justly rewarded with the gold statue.
However, if I was voting, I would've picked James Franco in 127 Hours. He carries the whole film on his shoulders and delivers a gripping, belieavable performance of the man stuck under a rock, who has to resort to the great sacrifices to survive. I can't imagine how taxing this role must've been for Franco, but no doubt this will serve as a launchpad for a wonderful future for the young actor. A sensational performance.

MY PICK: Annette Benning - The Kids Are All Right

Maybe I'm going with a little sentiment here, but I do actually believe her performance was better then Portman's. Portman was good in her role, but at times I felt it a little forced and inconsistent.
Benning is one of my favourite actresses, and delivers yet another excellent performance as the ageing lesbian mother who tries to keep her family together. Moving and brilliant, Benning gets my vote.

MY PICK: John Hawkes - Winters Bone

Whilst everyone is going with either Bale or Rush, I'm looking outside the box and going with probably the least known performance. John Hawkes was absolutely brilliant in Winters Bone, stealing the show with every scene he was in. His performance, whilst not as flashy as Bale or Rush (who both do excellent jobs), is the one that sticks out to me for this very reason. It is difficult to "stand-out" with a more sedate role, but Hawkes' does just that.

MY PICK: Amy Adams - The Fighter

This was a bit of a tricky pick, and I almost went with Steinfeld in True Grit. But what made the difference is that Steinfeld's performance is a lead, not supporting. So, that being said, I believe the best "supporting" performance of the year belongs to Amy Adams. The Fighter was a major disappointment to me. I thought the acting at times was pretty poor, but Adams delivers the best performance of the lot. Unfortunately it seems her co-star Melissa Leo has taken the spotlight in what was, quite frankly, one of the most overrated and over-the-top performances I've seen in some time. Adams has come a long way, and developed into a fine actress...and she shows it here.

So thats my final thoughts for 2010. An interesting year for film. The funny thing is, of my personal "picks", none of them will probably correlate with the actual winners (except Hooper). But thats all folks. Will give my thoughts after the Oscar ceremony on Sunday.


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