So without further or do, I'm going to tell you whose nominated and who I think will win, and my own personal pick:
Black Swan
The Fighter
The King's Speech
The Social Network
Who will win: The King's Speech
The Social Network is the odds-on favourite, but I think the HFPA is going to shower the love on The King's Speech. Winning the Golden Globe is not a determining factor in winning the Oscar (look at Babel. It won the Globe, but The Departed won the Oscar). I still think The Social Network will sweep the Oscars, but I think this is the awards ceremony that will honour The King's Speech. However, the best film of this bunch I feel is Inception.It is Kings Speech vs Social Network, with Inception being a long shot.
Alice in Wonderland
The Kids Are All Right
The Tourist
Who will win: The Kids Are All Right
No Toy Story 3? Are any of these films better then Toy Story 3? Answer: No. Unforgiveable omission. That said, the best made, scripted and acted film of the bunch is The Kids Are All Right. It will walk away with the Globe in a category that is, quite frankly, quite poor.
Jesse Eisenberg - The Social Network
Colin Firth - The King's Speech
James Franco - 127 Hours
Ryan Gosling - Blue Valentine
Mark Wahlberg - The Fighter
Who will win: Colin Firth - The King's Speech
James Franco was outstanding in 127 Hours, as was Jesse Eisenberg in The Social Network. Expect Colin Firth to continue on his run to the Oscar by getting love here.
Halle Berry - Frankie and Alice
Nicole Kidman - Rabbit Hole
Jennifer Lawrence - Winters Bone
Natalie Portman - Black Swan
Michelle Williams - Blue Valentine
Who will win: Natalie Portman - Black Swan
This is Portman's category to lose. She's pretty much got this one for a certainty.
Johnny Depp - Alice In Wonderland
Johnny Depp - The Tourist
Paul Giammati - Barney's Version
Jake Gyllenhaal - Love and Other Drugs
Kevin Spacey - Casino Jack
Who will win: Paul Giammati - Barney's Version
Johnny Depp...seriously? Okay. He's the favourite and will probably win for Alice in Wonderland (unfortunately), but I think he'll split the vote, allowing Paul Giammati to step in. He got the best reviewed performance and, after being snubbed for "Sideways" and "Cinderella Man", he'll get some just reward here.
Annette Benning - The Kids Are All Right
Julianne Moore - The Kids Are All Right
Angelina Jole - The Tourist
Anne Hathaway - Love And Other Drugs
Emma Stone - Easy A
Who will win: Annette Benning
The Oscar race is shaping up as "Benning vs Portman", so expect Benning to win here and continue to stake her claim. Moore could surprise, as could Emma Stone, but be safe and go with Benning.
Christian Bale - The Fighter
Michael Douglas - Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps
Andrew Garfield - The Social Network
Jeremy Renner - The Town
Geoffrey Rush - The King's Speech
Who will win: Christian Bale - The Fighter
Quite a strong category, but expect Christian Bale to win. His biggest contender is Geoffrey Rush, whom the HFPA love. Andrew Garfield could also challenge (if they decide to really love The Social Network), but Christian Bale will win this one.
Amy Adams - The Fighter
Helen Bonham Carter - The King's Speech
Mila Kunis - Black Swan
Melissa Leo - The Fighter
Jacki Weaver - Animal Kingdom
Who will win: Helen Bonham Carter - The King's Speech
This is the closest acting category as there is no clear favourite. I'm going to go with Bonham Carter cause I got a feeling they're going to go with The King's Speech. Adams may surprise, but if there's going to be a surprise it'll be Leo. It's Leo vs Carter. Both could win, but I'm going Carter.
Darren Aronofsky - Black Swan
David Fincher - The Social Network
Tom Hooper - The King's Speech
Christopher Nolan - Inception
David O'Russell - The Fighter
Who will win: David Fincher -The Social Network
Fincher's the big favourite, and the Globes won't completely shut out The Social Network, so he'll win here. Nolan or Hooper could surprise, and I won't be too surprised if they do, but this one's going to Fincher.
127 Hours
The Kids Are All Right
The King's Speech
The Social Network
Who will win: The King's Speech
Inception should win this category, but it'll be more love to The King's Speech. The Social Network may surprise in this one.
"Bound to You" - Burlesque
"You Haven't Seen the Last of Me" - Burlesque
"Coming Home - Country Strong
"There's A Place For All of Us" - Chronicles of Narnia
"I see The Light" - Tangled
Who will win: "You Haven't Seen The Last of Me"
Don't really know or care, but they'll probably give it to one of the songs from Burlesque.
127 Hours
Alice in Wonderland
The Kings Speech
The Social Network
Who will win: Inception
Had a great score that I think is probably too strong to ignore here.
Despicable Me
How To Train Your Dragon
The Illusionist
Toy Story 3
Who will win: Toy Story 3
Enough said.
Biutiful (Spain)
The Concert (France)
The Edge (Russia)
I Am Love (Italy)
In A Better World (Denmark)
Who will win: Biutiful (Spain)
Only European films in this category (no big surprise). With a big name performance in Javier Bardem...Biutiful to win this one.
Okay, so that's my say. Check back tomorrow to see how many I got right/wrong.
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